Sound Transit – South Renton Transit Center Remediation Project
Client: Sound Transit
Project Overview: The project objectives were to excavate and dispose petroleum-contaminated soil, backfill the excavations, accomplish in-situ chemical injections of Petrofix to remediate petroleum-contaminated groundwater, and site restoration.
Distinctive/Unique Features: ERRG completed the following scope safely and on-schedule between August 2022 and February 2023:
Excavated and disposed approximately 4,000 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil from four separate locations at the site.
Segregated excavated soil into clean and contaminated and confirmed through lab testing.
Accomplished 100 chemical in-situ injections of Petrofix at the site.
Removed and disposed 33 hydraulic lifts with associated components.
Excavated and disposed an additional 400 tons of petroleum-contaminated soil from the hydraulic lifts’ locations.
Segregated excavated soil into clean and contaminated and confirm through lab testing.
Backfilled all excavations with a mix of PersulfOx, onsite generated clean soil, and imported clean fill. Then placed gravel in the excavation areas for final surface restoration.
Demolished 6-inch-thick reinforced concrete slab foundation over an approximately 21,000-square-foot area and placed gravel as final surface restoration.
Removed a concrete oil-water separator removal and performed test pits.
ERRG achieved 23% Apprentice Utilization Hours exceeding the Client’s contract requirement of 15% for the project.
ERRG also more than doubled the required Certified Small Business Participation Dollars established for the contract (23% vs 11%).
Challenges: There were a total of 33 hydraulic lifts and associated components – nearly triple the number anticipated by the client based on surficial site features. The lifts had residual hydraulic oil that needed to be pumped, characterized, and disposed in accordance with the applicable regulations. This work was completed during October - November 2022 in rainy and extremely cold weather (freezing or below freezing temp) to ensure the project stayed on Schedule.
Solutions: ERRG subcontracted a waste disposal company to empty the hydraulic lifts and dispose the resulting oil and several hydraulic lifts components.
Customer Satisfaction: ERRG’s excellent work quality throughout the project was appreciated by several members of the Client’s project team as demonstrated by the following emails:
““I wanted to send you a brief note to acknowledge the great work that your team has done so far on our remediation project in Renton. In particular, I’ve heard nothing but positive feedback from our project team on the work that Fasih and Dylan have been doing. They are safety-focused, professional, organized, proactive, and they follow thru on the commitments they make. The behaviors they exhibit undoubtedly help to elevate the performance of the entire team! Thank you and I look forward to the successful completion of this project and the eventual construction of the South Renton Transit Center.””
““Thanks for the professional manner in which you have administered this contract Fasih. You have represented ERRG extremely well!””