Project Spotlight: Tank Program Compliance Support, Fleet Readiness Center Southwest, Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, CA
ERRG performed tank program compliance support services to the Fleet Readiness Center Southwest (FRCSW) Tank Program at Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI) in San Diego, California. The work included storage tank inspections and certifications; tank system repairs and upgrades; alarm system testing, repairs, and certification; oil water separator cleaning and repair; preparation and certification of a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan; and development of fact sheets to guide customer organizations in the application of grant funding for Pollution Prevention (P2) programs.
The storage tank certifications and SPCC plan were completed on time, so that the client was able to provide the appropriate documentation to their regulating agencies and were able to receive documented compliance. ERRG successfully won follow-on work at this facility in 2021.